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Effective December 1, 2024, camping fees will be adjusted. The updated rates will apply to all camping reservations for January 1st, 2025, and after.

Reservations are limited to six months in advance. The last day of your reservation should fall within the 6 months, in order to book online.

If you need to cancel please email sloparks@co.slo.ca.us or call (805)781-5930 ext. 4. Please include Sale# 


Frequently Asked Questions!

How do I make reservations? What fees will I be charged if I cancel or change a reservation? What is required to bring a bounce house into a County Park? Since I cannot cancel my own reservation, who do I contact? I have a day-use reservation, how do I access a locked door/ gate? How many days can I stay at a campground? Do your campgrounds have dump stations?